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The Inner Child Playground 
Channeling and Healing in Community
5 June - 3 July


Healing and Growing in Community 

When was the last time you allowed yourself to see life from the eyes of a child - with wonder, curiosity, and the belief that everything is possible? What happened to your childhood dreams? In the early childhood years, we are most connected to who we truly are on a soul level. We still remember why we incarnated. In this class, you will reconnect to your inner child, to your dreams, and to who you are deep down. And we will do this together, in community, because this is how we heal best and change the world to a place where we step beyond conditioning, fears, and false beliefs to live the most authentic and fulfilling life. 

Channeling and Healing In The Akashic Records

In this class, we are healing the inner child and inner teenager and the conditioning and false beliefs we acquired throughout childhood that hold us back now from going after our dreams. All guided ceremonies, channellings, and healing experiences in this container will be facilitated through the Akashic Records. Working through the Akashic Records means we are healing lifetimes, and regaining powers through time and space. Next to the Akashic Records we will work in this class with Astrology and Human Design to understand who we are and what we need to be happy. 

Healing Through Somatic Bodywork

This class is heart-opening and we will work with the heart energy system, meridians, and associated body regions. Trauma is stored in our tissue and when we heal we need to address the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical plane. In this class, we will work with Daoist breathing techniques, acupressure, and gentle yoga or Qigong exercises to cleanse and strengthen our physical and light bodies. You will also learn Chinese medicine concepts of Qi movement in your body. 

Individual Support

Throughout this course, I will also support each participant individually with their specific inner child journey, healing, and aspirations. You will receive personal channeled messages as well as individual coaching.




5 June | 12  June | 19 June | 26 June  |3 July

Class recordings will be provided


9pm CET (Amsterdam) - 2pm CDT


  • 5 live classes of 60-90 min; all classes will be recorded 

  • group chat to ask questions and engage outside of class 

  • 1on1 coaching and support with me throughout the 5 weeks

  • online learning platform & workbook with healing techniques


No channeling or Akashic Record experience needed. If you want to learn to read the Akashic Record you can buy my Learn to Read the Akashic Records course discounted as an add-on. 




"Sabine is a talented healer and teacher, and a ray of very special celestial sunshine. You can't help but be changed for the better after spending time with her; she shares her unique wisdom and knowledge clearly, relatably and generously."



"I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Each class was so informative, healing and beautiful - I felt so held throughout the course,  and a safe container to open up. Sabine's knowledge and wisdom is so profound, and she explains things so well, that makes it easy to follow."


potential add-ons

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